Slagtryk Festival

Slagtryk Festival

sep. 17, 2013 by

Jeg er blevet udvalgt til at fremvise 3 poesifilm til Slagtryks første festival den 12. oktober. Du skal da komme kl. 16-24 og høre og se, hvad der sker af spændende ting på den nye lyriksscene. Og den bedste del

Wrong road

Wrong road

aug. 30, 2013 by

Sometimes creativity goes in odd directions – I have to work pretty intensely with my next installation – among others the visual side, I have not upstartet at all and a musical side falling apart and a technical side that



jun. 29, 2013 by

I have made this poetry film as first part of a larger project, I will work on this autum. I am pleased with the results and can foresee more work to come. One more poetry film is coming up soon