2024 Work grant from Statens Kunstfond
2024 Curator HAUTs In Process residency
2024 Censor/Selection Commitee at Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling 2024 including censor talk, 24th of March 2024

2023 Continuous Helix, live performance at Calling it Home, Stateless Mind 5, Jambatan, Copenhagen Denmark
2023 Beyond Criticism and Praise Screening and art talk, A mountain, a star, a fish, a bug, a seed – Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2022, Seoul South Korea
2023 Pop Up Art Festival 2023, August, Nørrebro Denmark

2022 Searching with a homeless body, performative work, Pera+Flora+Fauna, official collateral event at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia Italy
2022 The sound of Healing, sound performative work with Wajukuu Arts and ZK/U “Citizenship — Raise the Roof!”, documenta fifteen, Kassel Germany
2022 Production- and work grant from Statens Kunstfond

2021 Work grant from Statens Kunstfond
2021 To Adopt a Chronotype, performative reading, Crossing Boarders: Migration and the Visual Arts in Denmark, 1800-2021, Royal Danish Academy of Science Copenhagen Denmark
2021 Liquid territory of confinement, performance, The Space Between – Jambatan, Lanterna Magica, Denmark

2020 Workgrant from Statens Kunstfond
2020 Residency Lanzallama, Buenos Airos, Argentina, supported by Statens Kunstfond

2019 Skabning, Art Book at Statens Værksteder for Kunst, collective creation, “Gotta Serve” ( Laila Svensgaard, Anne Dyhr, Åse Eg Jørgensen and Tanja Nellemann Kruse), Bladr og Kunsthal Århus, Copenhagen Denmark
2019 The Starchild, Performance-installation, Treshold(s), Camp2019, Copenhagen Denmark
2019 Jeg stjæler- LAND, Poem published in Slagtryk Denmark

2018 The Starchild, Performance Art Festival Transistors meetings, Warehouse 9, Copenhagen Denmark
2018 Art talk, Reproduktion, slægtsskabelse og Nekropatriarkat, panel talk, Laboratory for Aesthetics & Ecology, Galleri |Meter|, Copenhagen Denmark
Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee and Art talk, Living Archive symposium, Malmø Kunstmuseum, Malmø Sweden
Art talk, “Archives that matters”, Royal Art Academy, Copenhagen Denmark

2017 Hwarang – imprints of a poet warrior
, Group exhibition, Artspace KH7, Århus Denmark
The Starchild Project and Art Talk Hvid[mə] Archive at Gallery |Meter|, Copenhagen Denmark
Art talk, SMK Fridays, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen Denmark

Re-enacting The Transnational Adoptee and Art talk, SEAL’s seminar ”Social Exclusion, Postcolonial Perspectives and Discrimination”, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Denmark
Re-enacting The Transnational Adoptee and Art talk, EVA International, Ireland 37th Biennial “Still (the) Barbarians and EVA International closing symposium, Belltable Arts Center, Limerick City, Ireland, Limerick City, Ireland

Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee at Miami Performance International Festival, Miami USA
Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee, Hysteria Festival, SOMA Gallery, Berlin Germany

An Oneironaut is dreaming a Space, performativ installation,  Bornholm’s Culture week, Nexø Bornholm Denmark
 Som om/As if, Once, Screening at Miami Performance International Festival, Miami USA

2013 Once, Afterlife of a mermaid and Hopscotch, Screening at Slagtryk Festival Copenhagen Denmark
2013 Transformed, videoinstallation, Art Space Dada Post Berlin Germany