Kollektiv udstilling, Udvidet slægtskab, Kunstpakhuset Ikast
Awarded Henry Heerup Honorary Grant
Væsen, Afdeling-m, Rum46 Århus
Sorgen fortæller ikke alt, IdoArt – amongst the 15 most read articles in 2024
Received work grant from The Danish Arts Foundation
Curation HAUT In process program
Selection Commitee/Censor, KP Spring exhibition 2024, Århus Denmark
Beyond Criticism and Praise, A mountain, a star, a fish, a bug, a seed – Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2023
Continuous Helix, Calling it Home, Stateless Mind 5, Jambatan 2023, Copenhagen Denmark
Afdeling M, Pop Up Art Festival 2023, August, Nørrebro Denmark
Retreat to redefine art practise and projects!
Hvidt flet 1-5 (White Braid 1-5), 5 paper collage pieces for Samsø Kunstkiosk 44, Samsø Denmark
Panel Talk, HAUT & UrbanAPA: Perspectives on Complex Complicities – towards antiracist feminist stages Copenhagen, Denmark
Live performance “Searching with a homeless body“, performative work, Jambatan – Pera+Flora+Fauna, official collateral event at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Soundperformance “The sound of healing”, i samarbejde med Fedaa Sultan, Wajukuu Arts og ZK/Us citizenship — Raise the Roof!, documenta fifteen, 20-23 juni 2022
Recieved production grant form the Danish Arts Foundation
Recieved work grant from the Danish Arts Foundation
Publishing performance text To Adopt a Chronotype at Bastard Blog
Research for documenta fifteen for Trampolinhuset (oktober 2020-december 2021)
Panel Talk about art and representation, Mino Danmark, Teater Republique
“Liquid borders of confinement“, Performance at The Space between, Jambatan, Laterna Magica Museum for Visual Art, Copenhagen Denmark
Art talk, Holbæk Kunsthøjskole
Moderator at Mino Talk “Minoritetsstress, diskrimination og mental sundhed“, Main Library, Copenhagen Denmark
“To Adopt a Chronotype” performance reading at Crossing Borders: Migration and the Visual Arts in Denmark, 1800-2021, Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Jeg opstiller en far”, performance at poesifestival Opbrud, Cinematerket, Literaturhaus, Copenhagen Denmark
Received work grant from The Danish Arts Foundation
Art Talk, Chelsea College of Arts
Art Video for Torben Westergaard’s The Gori Project
Received work grant from The Danish Arts Foundation
“Once”, audiopoem, published at online anthology Strange to Say, Untold pages 2020
6 weeks Residency at Gallery Lanzallamas, Buenos Aires Argentina – supported by Statens Kunstfond
Reading at (Un)told pages Literature Festival), 4th of December, 2019
“Skabning”, exhibition at Kunsthal Aahus, 8th of November,2019
Review in Information by Maria Kjær Themsen (in Danish)
“Skabning”, exhibition in Bladr, 26th of October, 2019
“The Starchild”-3D/360 installation based on live performance at “Treshold(s)” curator Temi Odumosu, CAMPs 2 year art program,. 4th of October 2019 – 31st of January 2020.
Catalogue in Danish: Thresholds_catalog_DK_v5 or in English: Thresholds_catalog_EN_v6
Review in Friktion (in Danish)
“White Facing” text published in “Krop i system”, Aktivistkollektivet BØVL 2019
“Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee”, live performance at The Union, Copenhagen, 15th of June 2019
Art talk, IPAF19 curated by Jørgen Callesen, Warehouse9, Copenhagen Denmark 13th of April 2019
“Skabning”, Art book project at Statens Værksteder for Kunst with Laila Svensgaard, Anne Dyhr, Åse Eg Jørgensen and Tanja Nellemann Kruse, Copenhagen Denmark
Jeg stjæler – LAND, published in Slagtryk
F L A K 2, Hypersensitive Productions and Skrat Records
Panel talk at Seminar – den prekære (kunst)arbejder, Gallery |meter|, Copenhagen Denmark 8th of December 2018
“Mistress of Representation”, poem in anthology, The Motherland, Ed. Laura Wachs, Korea 2018
“The Starchild”and panel talk, Performance Art Festival Transistors meetings curated by Storm Madsen, Warehouse 9, Copenhagen Denmark 6th of October 2018
“Den performative modstand– at undslippe “andetheden””, Essay in Peripeti 2018
“White facing”, Panel talk, “Experiencing minority fetishism” (part of collaborative performance) and Public Society improvisation, The Performance Art Festival Body Landscapes, curated by David Sebastian Lopes Restrepo, Verdenskulturcentret, Copenhagen Denmark 2nd. of October 2018
“Representation matters”, Panel talk at “Sammen mod Racisme”, Den Sorte Firkant, Copenhagen Denmark 22nd of September 2018
“More than meets the Eye”, murial painting for the Litbrá Festival selected by the municipality of Tvøroyri, Tvøroyri Faroe Islands 1st to the 5th of July 2018
Shaking the habitual: final seminar, curated by Gallery |meter|, Warehouse 9, Copenhagen Denmark 16th of June 2018
“Reproduktion, slægtsskabelse og Nekropatriarkat”, paneltalk curated by Arken’s Laboratory at “Shaking the Habitual”, Galleri |Meter|, Copenhagen Denmark 9th of June 2018
“Stjæler”, reading at “Mothertongue|Fathertongue”, Den sorte Firkant, Copenhagen Denmark 6th of June 2018
“Be mindful to the Pedestrians”, performance at Eks-rummet, Copenhagen Denmark 26th of May 2018
“Amager Pedestrians”, collective exhibition by Performance Køkkenet, Eks-rummet, Copenhagen Denmark 18th – 27th of May 2018
“Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee” and presentation at Living Archive, curated by Temi Odumoso and collaborative curator Cecilia Widenheim, direcor of Malmø Kunstmuseum, Malmø Kunstmuseum, Malmø Sweden 11th – 13th of April 2018
“A home is a home is a home”, Public Society, Underbanen, Copenhagen Denmark 6th of April 2018
“Myieok Guk”, installation for “Foodways”, Sjón 2018 Film Festival, Verdenskulturcentret, Copenhagen Denmark 9th – 10th of March 2018
Workshop, “Archives that matters” curated by Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Statens Kunstskole, Copenhagen Denmark 6th of February 2018
“Besættelse”, vernissage for EU Anti-Trafficking Day and HopeNow 10th Anniversary, Copenhagen Denmark 18th of October 2017
“This is not your space- this is your space” and “Memories from a boarder” – collaborative performances with Rahman Hak-Hagir, Molly Nyland and Amir Zainorin, Kulturnatten, Verdenskulturcentret, Copenhagen Denmark 13nd of October
THIS IS NOT YOUR SPACE (2017) from Yong Sun Gullach on Vimeo.
“International Performance Art Festival Body Landscapes“, performance teacher at 3 workshops at with Rahman Hak-Hagir, curated by David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo. Verdenskulturcentret, Copenhagen Denmark 10th to the 13th of October 2017 – read IScene’s review (in Danish)
“Besættelse”, curated by Emma Holten, Feministisk Varieté, Teater Republiques Reaktor scene, Copenhagen Denmark 29th of September 2017
“Hwarang – imprints of a poet warrior”, piece exhibited at “GOTTA SERVE SOMEBODY”, co-created show with Lise Haurum, Laila Svensgaard, Åse Eg, Tanja Nelleman Poulsen, Anne Dyhr, Rikke Hansen at www.kh7artspace.dk, Århus Denmark 22nd of June – 3rd of July 2017
“The Star Child Project” live performance curated by Hvid[mə] Archive followed by an art talk at Gallery |Meter|, Copenhagen Denmark 10th of June 2017
“Mistress of un-representation”, poem publication in Marronage #2, Juni 2017
Arttalk together with Miriam Firesewra Berhane Haile moderated by Temi Odumosu at SMK Fridays, Copenhagen Denmark 5th of May 2017
Voice material – part of the sound mosaic at “Ufortalte Historier”, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen Denmark 18th of May 2017 – January 2018 curated by Temi Odumoso, Living Archives
“Country of Loss”, performance reading with Lesley-Ann Brown at Hovedbiblioteket, Copenhagen Denmark , 3rd of March 2017 –read page 9-11
“Besættelse”, part of Hvid[mə] Archive
“Re-enacting The Transnational Adoptee” and Key note talk at Decolonial Daughters: How coloniality destroys family – On art, migration, decolonization and empowerment, curated by Teresa Maria Diaz Nerio, La Casa de Barro, Amsterdam The Netherlands 17th-19th of February, 2017
Reading “Besættelse” at Friktion Magazine “Opsamling 2015-16” launch party, Huset Copenhagen Denmark , 25th of November, 2016
Reading “Besættelse” at Dansk Sociologiforening, Jazzhouse Copenhagen Denmark 26th of October, 2016 – hear sound file here
“Re-enacting The Transnational Adoptee” and Key note talk moderated by Temitope Odumosu at SEAL Bi-annual seminar on Social Exclusion, Postcolonial Perspectives and Discrimination, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Denmark 6th of October, 2016
“Re-enacting The Transnational Adoptee” and art talk with Mary Evans moderated by Koyo Kouoh at EVA International closing symposium for Ireland Biennial “Still (the) Barbarians, Belltable Arts Center, Limerick City Ireland 12-13th of July, 2016 – read about the event here.
Performer in the collective performance “Jeg har altid følt mig som…” created and curated by Jette Hye-Jin Mortensen, part of Tranen‘s program at Gentofte commune’s kultur og festdage, Hellerup Strand Denmark 11th of June, 2016
“Re-enacting The Transnational Adoptee” at EVA International, Ireland Biennial “Still (the) Barbarians, curated by Koyo Kouoh, Limerick City Ireland 14-16th of April, 2016
Reading at Vis a Vis Art Collective – VAVAC “Mund til Mund no. 1”, Verdenskulturcentret, Copenhagen Denmark 14th of December 2015
Danish curator of and participator with F L A K in the Literature Festival TAL, 13th – 15th of November, Copenhagen Denmark
Art talk and reading Haiku, Dansk Haikuforening, Forfatterforeningen, 1st of November, Copenhagen Denmark
“Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee” in Flab festival 2015, Verdenskulturcentret, Copenhagen Denmark
“Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee” in Novam Artem festival 28th-31st of July, 2015, Visions of Dome, Copenhagen Denmark
“Wood” and “Water”, Miami Performance International Festival, Miami USA – curated by Charo Orquet
“Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee”, Miami Performance International Festival, Miami USA – curated by Charo Orquet
Reading, Sakura Festival, 26th of April, Copenhagen Denmark – curated by Mona Larsen
“Blackening #2” together with Tove Vestmø, Gallopperiet 18th of April, Copenhagen Denmark – curated by Anke Hurrelbrink
“Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee”, Hysteria Festival, 11th of April, SOMA Gallery, Berlin Germany – Curated by Bjørk Grue Lindin
“Re-enacting the Transnational Adoptee”, Berlin Soup, Kottbusser Tor, 10th of April, Berlin Germany
F L A K, R.P.T #XVII, Mayhem, 28th of March, Copenhagen Denmark – excerp of the concert
F L A K, Galleri Boheme, 26th of March, Copenhagen Denmark
Improvisation reading at Café Mix, together with Palle Mikkelborg, Jette Botschinsky, Maria Bloch, Helen Davies, Kenneth Krabat og Helene Smed, 12th of March, Metronomen, Frederiksberg Denmark
Backing voice for Michael Dyst in “Danmark har Talent”, 14th of February, TV Show for TV2 Denmark
Curated the exhibition ”Estaciones Nómadas” by contamporary painter Rafael Peréz Conception, Centro Cultural de España, Santo Domingo, The Dominican Republic
Read another article here by Amable López Meléndez
Reading, Det Poetisk Bureau, Metronome, 28th of November, Frederiksberg Denmark
Reading, Poesiens hus, 28th of November, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Den Gule Villa, 2nd of November, Frederiksberg Denmark
F L A K, Hotel Ibsen 15th of October, Copenhagen Denmark
“An oneironaut is dreaming a space”, 30 minutes performance together with Claus Pousen at Galleri Benmel, 6th -27th of September Nexø Bornholm – curated by Mogens Vibe
“Dreaming a space” , Installation at Galleri Benmel, Nexø Bornholm – curated by Mogens Vibe
F L A K reading at Menneskefesten, 30 August, Copenhagen Denmark
Lyrik på Kulturhavnen, 1st. of August, Copenhagen Denmark
“Dreaming a space” and co-curator, Berlin Soup, PB47, 11th -15th of June, Copenhagen Denmark – se further documentation here and a review here
“An oneironaut is dreaming a space”, 30 minutes performance together with Claus Pousen at Berlin Soup, PB47, 14th and 15th of June, Copenhagen Denmark
“Blackening”, videoperformance with Tove Vestmø, Berlin Soup the 11th of June, Copenhagen Denmark
Excerpt of Blackening (with Tove Vestmø), Som om/As if, Once, 14th – 29th of June, Miami Performace International Festival USA
F L A K, Tranquebar, 5th of June, Copenhagen Denmark
Haiku reading, 27th of April, Sakurafestivallen Langelinie, Copenhagen Denmark
“Once” (2nd. edit), Koroot, 17th of April, Seoul Korea
Haiku reading, Sings Tehus, 20th of March, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, APF, The Hub, 18th of January, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Hotel Ibsen, 21st of November, Copenhagen Denmark
Hopscotch, Hotel Ibsen Art Salon, Hotel Ibsen, 21st of November, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Basement, 15th of November , Copenhagen Denmark
VJ, Autobunny concert, Underhuset, 15th of November, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K – Ord på Flisen, Cafe Flisen, 6th of November, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Poesi i Staden, Bob What, 1st of November, Copenhagen Denmark
Ditto, premiere peformance at ART AID, Odd Fellow Palæet , 19th and 20th of October, Copenhagen Denmark
“Ditto” Installation ART AID Group Exhibition, Odd Fellow Palæet, 12-13th and 19th-20th of October, Copenhagen Denmark (see further documentation here)
“Once“, “Afterlife of a mermaid” and “Hopscotch“, Slagtryk, program_slagtrykfestival2013, 12th of October, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Kulturnatten, Odd Fellow Palæet, 11th of October, Copenhagen Denmark
Reading – Invitation to interpretate some of Ole Bundgaard’s Haikus, Reception for Ole Bundgaard’s Haiku II, Gallery North, 28th of September, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Beneficiary Reading, Center for Visdom og Medfølelse, 7th of September, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Reading at 3 festdage for maleriet, 2020vision, Huset, 6th of September, Copenhagen Denmark
“Once“, screening at Gallopperiet, 1st of September, Copenhagen
F L A K, reading at Exhibition “Normalisering eller tilpasningens tragedie“, Gallopperiet, 1st of September, Copenhagen Denmark
“Once” (2nd. edit), screening at Gallopperiet, 31st of August, Copenhagen
F L A K, reading at Exhibition “Normalisering eller tilpasningens tragedie“, 31st of August Gallopperiet Copenhagen Denmark
Contributor to videogathering by Ron Schneiderman at Festival of Endless Gratitude, 29th to 31st of August, Copenhagen Denmark
Various group artprojects – se further documentation here
“Once“(1.st edit), Desart – Screening at “Levende billeder på væggen”, 21st of June, Copenhagen Denmark
F L A K, Underskoven, Huset Copenhagen Denmark (together with Claus Poulsen, music)
Desart (Levende billeder på væggen), Ryesgade 21 Copenhagen Denmark (together with Claus Poulsen, music)
Transformed, a cross over video and performanceinstallation, Berlins Soup, Dada Post Berlin / Group exhibition, Berlin
Reading, Ord på Flisen, Café Flisen, 3rd of April Copenhagen Denmark
Ord På Flisen 3 April 2013 from TVMarineret 3 on Vimeo.
Reading, Poetisk Møde, Karens Minde Kulturhus, Copenhagen Denmark
Reading, Skriften på væggen, X-kirken
A poetry film commenting the discomfort of a female figure’s experience of the exoticising the body. Brought up in rural Denmark all attributes in language, references etc. are identical with other Danes but still a strong silent alienation is present.