Strange to Say
“Once” is part of the online anthology “Strange to Say“, curated by Untold Pages. Its a kick ass anthology – go listen to it for free.
“Once” is part of the online anthology “Strange to Say“, curated by Untold Pages. Its a kick ass anthology – go listen to it for free.
December 4th at 7.30 pm I will be reading and moderating a debate (in Danish) at the literaturefestival (UN)TOLD PAGES called “Det tabte – et indre integrationsprojekt. Om sorg og alt det andet man ikke kan sætte ord på” .
En trediedel af mit digt “Jeg stjæler” er udkommet på Slagtryk i dag. Jeg kan mærke, jeg skal skrive mere og det må 2019 handle om – at give tid og plads til at skrive.
My poem has been published in “The Motherland” – a publication supporting KUMFA edited by Laura Wachs. I am so happy.
I will be reading in Danish a new piece called “Stjæler” (To steal) at the “Mother tongue | Father tongue” event at Den Sorte Firkant, Blågårdsgade the 6th of june at 8pm. Please join me if you can. There will