Tak til Statens Kunstfond

apr. 23, 2024 by

For at have sikret Hypersensitive Production endu lidt arbejdsro.

Open Call at HAUT

jan. 11, 2024 by

With IN PROCESS – CARE, HAUT and performance artist Yong Sun Gullach invite artists based i Scandinavia to apply for a residency that, in the frame of a black box, gives them the opportunity to investigate sustainability, care, self-care and

A year to reflect

aug. 15, 2022 by

Hypersensitive Productions takes a year of leave in order to re-thing and re-construct its Art Practise and projects. Thanks to

Tak til Statens Kunstfond

apr. 27, 2022 by

For at have nok tiltro til endnu engang at give mig et lille arbejdslegat. Det falder godt, for jeg er på vej til documenta15 med madar collective og skal senere til Venedig Biennalen med Jambatan hvis alt falder på plads.

Man skal være taknemmelig / Grateful

apr. 27, 2021 by

Og taknemmelig er jeg for at Statens Kunstfond har tildelt mig endnu et arbejdslegat – det giver mig ro i en lille stund og det tæller stort i denne periode. Tusind tak. I am so grateful for the work grant