Calling it home – Jambatan Stateless Mind

okt. 8, 2023 by

I will participate in this years Jambatan both with a performancce and a panel talk at Valby Kulturhus New performance connected to The Continuous Helix project the 27th a 6.30 pm. Art talk at Valby Kulturhus 28 October 2023, 12.15-13.15

A year has passed

jul. 21, 2023 by

I have spend a year redefining a more sustainable way to continue my practice. I hereby slowly start again and it seems like the energy flows in my life listened – ensured I did not get any tempting projects before

Mino Talk på Teater Republique

nov. 10, 2021 by

Jeg deltager i en paneldebat på Teater Republique om Repræsentation og diversitet i kunst- og kulturlivet den 24 november arrangeret af Mino Talk. Kom forbi og lad os få en god samtale! Tak til Statens Kunstfond

Misstress of Un-representation

feb. 23, 2019 by

My poem has been published in “The Motherland” – a publication supporting KUMFA edited by Laura Wachs. I am so happy.

Statens Værksteder for Kunst

dec. 4, 2018 by

Sammen med 5 andre kunstnere har jeg fået tildelt et 2 ugers ophold i april 2019 på Statens Værksteder for Kunst – nærmere grafikværkstedet til at realisere et eksperimenterende bogprojekt. Jeg glæder mig som et lille barn til at lege